Saturday, August 6, 2011

popcorn and ducks

Hey everyone! Did you miss me?

Hehe, I've been busy with my photography lately. The D3100 fund is going swimmingly, not quite enough yet but it's getting there!

Yesterday, my mother and I took a trip to a little city for some shopping and fun.

The duck pond was so fun! The ducks absolutely adored having their photos taken, and I saw some of the most interesting ducks.

Summer, unfortunately, is almost over. I can't bear the thought of school again. Though, my birthday is in 9 days, and I am extremely excited to see my friends and my family! Summer has been great to me, I've been having a great time, and I just don't want it to end. Maybe once school starts back up I'll start blogging more frequently. I hope to reach 30 followers soon, so can you help out with that? ;D

Thank-you all!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

further explorations

This week, I discovered a whole new world in my very own backyard.

After packing my bag with my camera, extra batteries, and crackers to feed the birds, I hopped the fence that seperated reality from fantasy.

A little house peeking from the trees. How curious.

I would tell you how many geese I saw on my adventure, but I don't believe I can count that high.

Another little house. It looks like the perfect place to live. Maybe I'll rent it when I get older.

I've never seen so much green in my life.

A beautiful fountain in a beautiful pond.

Quite possibly the best spot in the shade.

A strange well. My favorite photo from the shoot.

As I explored the little pebble trail some more, I discovered more homes. At this point, I was lost beyond belief.  

This lovely little shed helped me find my way home.

I wish I could have stepped inside the lovely shed, it looked like it was full of useful and beautiful items.

 What's the favorite adventure that you've been on so far?


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am bad at a certain thing called *posting*

I have a serious, serious problem.

It's called "lack of posting."

I've had this problem for awhile now. I've spent countless hours on the couch watching TV and on YouTube watching videos and listening to music. No need for sympathy, I'm getting better. I promise.

Haha, I haven't seen YOU guys in a while! Did you miss me? Hah, doubt it xP KIDDING you love me ;D

The DSLR fund is going well, if you care. I've misplaced my camera's cord, which allows me to upload to photos to my computer. So no photos with my Nikon until I can find it, or get an alternate solution. I do, however, have a different camera, an Olympus that belongs to my dad, which he allows me to use. So, the crisis of photos on a photography blog is solved, hooray!


Okay, fine. Here's a photo that belongs to me. From the last rainy day we had. If it's grainy, I apologize. Blogger happens to despise Nikons, if you didn't know.

This summer, I've got a lot of plans. I've even composed a Bucket List of all the things I'd like to accomplish before the school year begins.

WOOP! I love the colors in this photo. Colors are definitely one of my favorite elements of photography; I rarely shoot in black in white for that reason.

What would you like to see being posted on Nikon Erin? There are some major changes coming soon. Maybe I'll change the name.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

It's been a LONG LONG LONG LONG Time!

Aagh, it HAS been!

Well, what have I been doing whilst I was going?



Eh, well, then.

On with the post!

It's summer now, and I'm so excited about that! That means more posting and more photos! Yay!

Well, some updates:

1- Yee! I'm saving for a DSLR camera, aka a professional camera. I want a Nikon D3100, and I hope to have it by the end of the summer!
2- I'm getting into more in-depth photography, so expect more from me :)

Hehehe, see you!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Coffee, Coffee!

I went to Starbucks Coffee Cafe with my friend last week! I had just gotten new shoes and felt like walking in them, so I invited my friend to come along to have a cup of coffee and chat.

This was my drink--a caramel frappe-chino. Yum!


It was a nice day, so we decided to take a stroll outside for some pictures, as well.

We also decided to take a short walk to the bookstore across the street.


Reading my favorite book--Fox In Socks!

It didn't even taste that good.

My friend decided to snap a photo of me with my spiffy new shoes while I sat on the stone arch-things out front.

We decided to walk home after that.



Monday, April 11, 2011

5 Things I Love {Inspired by Abbey of "The Inglenook"}

This is a new, as you say, "segment", on this blog, called "5 Things I Love", inspred by the lovely Abbey of the equally lovely blog, "The Inglenook." Everytime I do one, I'll post 5 photos of things I love.

These banana earphones. Need I say more?

No, not red velvet cupcakes, blog readers; BLUE VELVET CUPCAKES. NOMNOMNOM.

This awesomesauce knife block. Now ranking as #9 on my Christmas wishlist.

Bacon shaped Band-Aids. Seriously, who doesn't want a piece of adhecive greasy meat hiding a cut?

This bar of soap shaped like an Xbox controller. Now you can pretend to play Black Ops while you sit in the bathtub. Whooo!

Well, I must go convince my mom to make me blue velvet cupcakes for my next birthday.



Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello people of the world who own computers and happen to be reading this post.

I happen to be a certain Erin, and I'm a photographer [SHOCKER] and this is my blogly. I'm the same age as my lucky number, and I'm also a writer [another big SHOCKER]. I created this blog because I felt like it, and because I needed to share my worldy experiences and my photography. But mostly because I felt like it.

Now to tell you about the Erin of this blog:

My name's Erin [DUH] and I like noodles. Vintage/old fashioned looking things are the shizzam, and I'm not like most people I know [Yay for Erin!]. I'm rebellious, loud, awesome, outgoing, and RRRRRRANDOM. I like things that are green, waterfalls, noodles [wait I already told you that], and I like junk food. I like soft things, and miniature things, and hats. I like taking pictures of people that aren't me. My favorite school subject is lunch, and I like lovely things too. Lovely things make me melt. I also enjoy fuzzy socks that don't match.

I play the clarinet [BAND GEEKS ROCK MY SAID FUZZY SOCKS] and I love it. I named my clarinet Waffle after my favorite breakfast food. I have very few friends, but the ones I have are very close to me.

I will blog laterz. BAI.
