Monday, April 11, 2011

5 Things I Love {Inspired by Abbey of "The Inglenook"}

This is a new, as you say, "segment", on this blog, called "5 Things I Love", inspred by the lovely Abbey of the equally lovely blog, "The Inglenook." Everytime I do one, I'll post 5 photos of things I love.

These banana earphones. Need I say more?

No, not red velvet cupcakes, blog readers; BLUE VELVET CUPCAKES. NOMNOMNOM.

This awesomesauce knife block. Now ranking as #9 on my Christmas wishlist.

Bacon shaped Band-Aids. Seriously, who doesn't want a piece of adhecive greasy meat hiding a cut?

This bar of soap shaped like an Xbox controller. Now you can pretend to play Black Ops while you sit in the bathtub. Whooo!

Well, I must go convince my mom to make me blue velvet cupcakes for my next birthday.




  1. LOL. Well those band aids look tasty, now don't they? xD
    I love when people do these posts! Fun to read. ^_^
